Ultimuffin, tribute to Jamie Oliver

Publié le par Nicolas Flandrin-Jones

This idea came after seeing Jamie Oliver film a Sainsbury advert on Friday night in Hebden Bridge.


Mix the flour, the sugar and the yeast. Add a pinch of salt.


Warm the butter in a pan until it becomes runny.

Whisk the two eggs in a bowl and add the ginger ale.


Chop the mint (around 15 leaves) and add to the flour and sugar mixture.


Add the eggs and the butter.


Put some sugar in the same pan you used for the butter, along with half a glass of water.

Add honey and wait until a white mousse appears.


Add around 50 g of chopped dark chocolate and let the mixture simmer until you get a crunchy choco-caramel paste.


Fill your muffin tray with half of the mixture and put some of your choco paste in the middle. Then cover with more flour mixture.

Put in a hot oven at 180° for 20 minutes.

Bon appêtit!


250g flour

130g sugar

100g butter

5cl ginger Ale

2 eggs

1 pinch of yeast

1 pinch of salt


dark chocolate



Publié dans Time to eat

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